Thankyou SpamExperts

A great big thank you to SpamExperts  for joining with me in this great cause and becoming my latest Corporate Sponsor.

SpamExperts is a dutch based company who’s goal is to eradicate spam with their unique and well supported server software.

When I approached them earlier this month, they were delighted to assist with my cause.

Being a global company with global responsibilities they recognized that by supporting myself they are supporting the hundreds of thousands of sufferers all over the world with the hope of finding better treatment options and the support they and their families need to get through this and come out the other side.

For further information checkout their sponsor page located here.

New Corporate Sponsors

I have three brand new sponsors for my Trek in Peru for the Leukaemia Foundation and they are:

VentraIP has become my first Gold Sponsor, with Zuver and Synergy Wholesale taking Silver Sponsor options.

Still plenty of spots available in both Bronze and Corporate Donation packages, Silver package has a few spots left and Gold has 1 left. If your interested in sponsoring me, then drop me a line to and I will get back to you ASAP.

Remember this is to support a great cause, which is helping the Leukaemia Foundation to continue to provide their invaluable service to cancer patients and their families and fund research into blood cancer.