Fundraising Events in South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne

Just wanted to share that I will be announcing some fundraiser events in the next week or two to raise vital funds for both the travel costs of this challenge and the Leukaemia Foundation as well.

So far I’ve had a few ideas, if you would prefer to go to one over another then please let me know so I can work on those ideas first.

  • Movie Night at The Cinemas to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Aiming approximately for either the 19th or 20th of December starting 7pm.
  • Cocktail Party – Looking at “The Castle” in Dandenong, VIC as the Venue. Would go for approx 4 hours starting at 7pm. Food and Beverages, Entertainment, etc. Date would be in April 2016
  • Steak and Seafood night at one of our local restaurants in Beaconsfield, VIC.

Also have one HUGE idea, which if it can be pulled off would be an amazing event. Won’t go to far into details about it now, still in very early planning phase.

If you have any ideas or would like to go to one event over another please let me know – Simply click the contact me button in the menu and go from there 🙂