ANZIA Awards – Open Jan 29 2016

Hello all,

I’m privileged enough to work in an industry I absolutely love, and part of that industry is the domain name business.

I work with Registries in implementing EPP code for all of Synergy Wholesale connectors, but I also work with a lot of the Domain Administration stakeholders like auDA and InternetNZ to name just a few.

As a joint collaboration with auDA and InternetNZ the Australia and New Zeland Internet Awards was formed. You can find out more about the ANZIA’s by heading to

As a basic rundown, there are a number of categories in which you can apply and is an annual event celebrating the achievements of organisations, businesses and individuals who excel in delivering accessible, innovative, informative and secure resources to a diverse and wide community on the Internet.

Applications open from January 29th 2016 and you can apply by visiting here


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